World Fair Trade Day 2009 takes place on
Saturday, May 9 and the Sierra Club's Responsible Trade program is excited to help make it an even bigger success than last year. If you are a supporter of fair trade, then take this opportunity to host an event or join up with one in your community and show your support for good jobs, a cleaner environment and better livelihoods for communities around the world.
World fair Trade Day will circle the earth with drumming, and raise a big noise for sustainable living to beat poverty, climate change and economic crisis, which are all from the same place. Ignorance and greed. Drum your fingers, a coffee spoon, some bins - beat out the rhythm on your tom toms or your chest, bang bang bang beat poverty, beat climate change, beat financial crisis, register on the http://www.worldfairtradeday09.org/ website and let the world know you care. Let 09 MAY 09 be a wake up call for the planet.
ReplyDeleteWe are very excited about World Fair Trade Day, as a sponsor of the event we are giving away 500 recycled World Fair Trade Day Dancing Girl pins made in Kenya. Wear one on May 9th and start some conversations about Fair Trade. You can get one free at GiftsWithHumanity.com with coupon code WFTDDG.
ReplyDeleteHave a great World Fair Trade Day
I am trying to find a way to get Palestinian fair trade items like olive oil, soap, spices, etc in NC. So far I can only find online ordering, mostly from the UK. Maybe you all can look into this for the next Fair Trade event?
ReplyDeleteI'd like to be able to pick this stuff up locally in NC: